All tagged social work

A Safe Space is a Basic Necessity for All Teens

It’s a tough time in our big world, especially for anyone who feels different from the norm. We are seeing this all over the news, social media, and in our communities. Living in a time when minorities across the spectrum are speaking up and demanding to be accepted, tolerated, and treated as equals. Young people are speaking out about violence, bullying, and mental health needs and while it is disappointing that our youth are put in a position to need to be activists in these areas, it does fill up my heart to see such confident teenagers fighting for what they believe is right and just. 

6 Ways To Increase Your Happiness Today

What’s the number one reason people come to therapy? To be happier! Really. There are so many other ways to word it such as “decrease depression” or “get back to being myself,” but the gist is really as simple as happiness. Actually, happiness can seem like the most complicated goal of all. I’m here to tell you that it may be layered and deep rooted but finding your happiness doesn’t have to be as complicated as it seems. Here are some ways I help clients improve their levels of happiness everyday.

Dear Sensitive Souls

Are you feeling alone? Do you long for connections but then get stuck when you need to take the next step? Maybe you’re afraid of being hurt (again), maybe you are unsure of what to do or say, or maybe you are just frozen with indecision. If any of this sounds like you, read on, I have a letter for you.